Thursday, March 10, 2022

Blog Post #1 - 5 Sources of News

As the world of technology advances, the way that we receive our news broadens and varies. For a long time, I struggled to find outlets and sources that were a good fit for me. Now, I have several sources that I get my current news from, and below are my top five (in no particular order).

The Wall Street Journal is a favorite of mine. I like WSJ because the articles are always well written and easy to read. WSJ gives enough information in all of their stories and I trust their information. WSJ produces stories on a wide variety of topics that range from business to entertainment. I use the WSJ app on my phone for easy access and notifications of new stories that fit my "preferred" algorithm.

Another source that I get some of my news from is Fox News. Admittedly, Fox News runs in my circle of obtaining news due to the fact that it's my family's preferred news outlet. Over time, I've learned to like it as well. However, since Fox News tends to leans towards the conservative side, I make it a point to keep in mind that they don't necessarily cover all stories from all angles.

The New York Times is similar to WSJ in that they cover a wide variety of topics and have new articles daily. I also use The New York Times app on my phone for quick access and consistent notifications. The New York Times is my preferred source for political news, since they tend to cover lots of politics in and outside of the U.S.

Although I don't necessarily go out out of my way to get my news on social media, Twitter is a common news source that I use. I do actually like getting my news from Twitter, because that way I can see what other people are saying about the topic and it makes it easy to get multiple perspectives on one story. However, I advise to tread lightly when gathering any current news from social media. It's important to keep in mind that most people who are spreading news on Twitter are likely not trained journalists, and will likely give a biased report.

For purely entertainment and hot topic internet trend news, I like to go to NBC for updates on TV, movies, and my favorite celebrities. Typically, Today is my go-to source. While I rarely ever get up early enough to watch The Today Show, the Today app is a great substitute for getting my entertainment news. They sent daily updates and notifications on current events, and the articles are easy to access and read.

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