Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Current Fashion: How the World Affects Your Closet

Current Fashion: How the World Affects Your Closet

By Alli Iler

Q News

Lauren Knapp, a 19-year-old fashion marketing student, has been standing at her closet for almost fifteen minutes searching for an outfit. Her soft, green eyes scan over the rack of varying clothes in her wardrobe. She sees shades of black, white, gray, and baby pastels that are swimming in the sea of clothing.

Her collection of clothes seems ordinary to someone who doesn't have a talent for fashion. However, Lauren sees something that the average person might not see. She sees a collection of clothes that have painted a dull, lifeless picture that lacks spirit and interest.

She notices that her clothes that were eccentric and popping with vibrant colors have been overtaken by duller, less bold items. Where did all of the cool, fun patterns go? How did her closet lose all personality? She hasn't changed where she's been shopping recently. She's positive that she has still been purchasing her clothes from her same favorite stores and designers. Why all of a sudden does her closet seem so different? She knows that her wardrobe has been influenced to be changed so drastically, and she knows that the current state of the world is to blame. 

The events of the world affect fashion designers and the products that they create to put out into the world. This is how current events might be changing your closet. 

How Current Events Affect Fashion

Big events are happening in the world every single day. Whether we realize it or not, these events affect all aspects of how the world works. Current events sometimes affect parts of our lives that we didn't previously anticipate. Fashion design is no exception. 

Fashion designers are no exception to the fact that current events affect our mood and emotions. The daily unfolding events across the globe has an impact on the clothes that make it to department stores and boutiques to be sold. 

"I think fashion is another way to project yourself onto the world," Lauren said. "Fashion tends to follow whatever is going on in the world."

This idea applies to American history, specifically in the 1900s and 1920s. As the world changed with World War I and the steady increase of women's rights, fashion was influenced by these events. Women's dresses became shorter and less "modest" with their newfound freedom. On the flip side, men's work uniforms became more functional for post war occupations. Fashion is always changing. Designers are constantly releasing new collections that mirror what they are feeling in response to current events in the world.

The influence of current events on fashion both historically and culturally

How Current Events Affect Fashion Designers' Products

Current events affects everyone, no matter the occupation. Fashion designers are no exception to this. Just like everybody else, current events affect their mood, emotions, and overall outlook on the current world. This makes it way into what they design and put out onto the fashion market.

Stella Scruggs, 21, is a fashion designer based out of Savannah, Georgia. She said that the events that unfold in the world impact what and how she designs her products. 

"Whatever is happening around me, and my mood whenever I'm making a collection is very apparent in what is happening," Scruggs said. "I just did a collection that was about unity in was called "A Golden Thread". That is the current event in America, just a lot of craziness. So there was that desire for everyone to be united, and that was what I put into my collection because that was what I felt."

Products from fashion designers around the world reflect what's going on in the world. Scruggs went on to say that she expects larger, famous designers to create collections based on the war in Ukraine and the recent subway shooting in New York City.

Life events affect all fashion designers, whether they are local designers or world famous designers.

Stella's "The Golden Thread" Collection (courtesy of Stella Scruggs)

Fashion and Current Events: An Ongoing Duo

Everyone comes into contact with fashion, and it is always a part of their life in some way or another. Whether it's their finest business attire to their most casual bedtime pajamas, the work of fashion designers makes it to their closets.

Alexis Mincey, 19, is a student at High Point University. Mincey is an avid follower of fashion, and she keeps up with fashion trends and progression.

"Fashion is the second most impactful industry," Mincey said. "The effects of current events on fashion can be seen in many ways on various levels of fashion."

The fashion industry is influential. Designers create collections and designs that come from their state of mind and how they feel. Fashion design is like any other kind of art. The products come from the creator's headspace and the products are based on how they feel. Fashion collections will always follow the events that occur in the world. Fashion designers will continue to create pieces of fashion that display current events and how the events make them feel.

Fashion and Current Events Video

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